Chapter 21 Further reading

  • Anthony Diamond , ‘ The Next Sea Carriage Convention? ’ [2008] LMCLQ 135. Contains a discussion of the legal issues raised by the draft text of the Rotterdam Rules and provides an interesting comparison with the position under the Hague Visby Rules.
  • Martin Dockray , Cases and Materials on the Carriage of Goods by Sea 5th edn, (Routledge, 2019). A leading student text on the area. The materials included are really helpful.
  • Chinyere Ezeoke , ‘ Allocating Onus of Proof in Cargo Claims: The Contest of Conflicting Principles ’ [2001] LMCLQ 261. Reviews the ways in which the courts have applied differing burdens of proof in relation to the duty of care and defences of excepted perils depending on the circumstances.
  • HL Morgan Jr, ‘ Unreasonable Deviation under COGSA ’ (1977 –78) 9 JMLC 481. Although the ‘COGSA’ in question is the US statute concerning the Hague Rules, this short article nevertheless contains an interesting survey of both English and US decisions on deviations both geographical and others amounting to ‘fundamental breach’.
  • W Tetley , ‘ The Hamburg Rules—A Commentary ’ [1979] LMCLQ 1. Probably the best short review of the provisions of the Hamburg Rules.
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