Chapter 2 Further reading

  • Michael Bridge , Personal Property Law (4th edn, Clarendon Press 2015). In the usual Clarendon Law series style, comparatively short but written by a recognized expert in the field.
  • Roy Goode ‘Ownership and Obligations in Commercial Transactions ’ ( 1987 ) 103 LQR 433. Goode is at his insightful best in drawing our attention to the differences between proprietary and personal rights and how easily they can be confused.
  • Norman Palmer and Ewan McKendrick (eds), Interests in Goods (2nd edn, Informa Law 1998). Although twenty five years old, the essays in this collection are all worth reading. For example, William Swadling is quite controversial in his chapter ‘The Proprietary Effect of the Hire of Goods’, when he argues that a lessee of a chattel acquire no proprietary rights, while Magnusson, in ‘Proprietary Rights in Human Tissue’, provides a fascinating example of how the law determines what is property.
  • Duncan Sheehan , The Principles of Personal Property Law ( Hart Publishing 2019) Comprehensive, scholarly, and up to date.
  • Sarah Worthington , Personal Property Law: Text and Materials ( Hart Publishing 2000 ) Although now a little out of date, has a wonderful selection of materials, while the text is both accessible and thought-provoking.
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