Chapter 10 Further reading

  • Dame Mary Arden, ‘Time for an English Commercial Code? ’ (1997) 56 CLJ 516 Discusses the original Sale of Goods Act 1893 which was intended simply to codify rather than alter the common law rules.
  • Oliver Bray and Ben Kerry, ‘Digital Content Under the Consumer Rights Act 2015’ (2015) 26(8) Entertainment Law Review 271 Summarises the provisions of the CRA 2015 on the rights of consumers of digital content.
  • Jorge Morais Carvalho, ‘Sale of goods and supply of digital content and digital services – overview of Directives 2019/770 and 2019/771’ (2019) EuCML 194. Provides an overview of the EU directives as they apply to Member States.
  • Paul Dobson, ‘ Sale of Goods or Contract for Services? ’ (1998) Student Law Review 24 (Sum) Discusses the key differences between a contract for services and one of sale of goods.
  • Sarah Green and Djakhongir Saidov , ‘Software as Goods Under the Sale of Goods Act ’ [2007] JBL Mar 161. Examines the legal treatment of software and discusses whether it should be classed as ‘goods’ under the SGA 1979.
  • George Gretton, ‘ Software: Binding the End-user ’ [1996] JBL 524. Discusses the decision in B eta Computers (Europe) Ltd v Adobe Systems (Europe) Ltd [1996] FSR 367 where Lord Penrose criticized the idea that software supplied on a permanent medium, such as a disk, would amount to a contract of sale of goods in the same way as, for example, the sale of a book.
  • Alan F Rodger, ‘The Codification of Commercial Law in Victorian Britain’ (1992) 108 LQR 570. Discusses the codification of the SGA, noting its application to Scotland in 1893 following disquiet about the need for a uniform law of sale.


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