Further Development 1.4: Conklin’s Art and Science

The Organization and Cell-Lineage of the Ascidian Egg 
(Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 13: 1–119)

Edwin G. Conklin

In 1905, E. G. Conklin published a remarkable fate map of the ascidian embryo. He showed that "all the principle organs of the larva in their definitive positions and proportions are here marked out in the 2-cell stage by distinct kinds of protoplasm." This study of cell lineage has been the basis for all subsequent research on the autonomous specification of tunicates. The color plates of this study are considered to be some of the best examples of embryological illustration and descriptive anatomy. To present them here, we have scanned in the original five plates of this paper. To see an enlargement of each embryo along with Conklin's original caption, please click on an individual image below.

Side view of an egg of about the same stage as fig.10, showing the eccentric position of the sperm nucleus and a small area of clear protoplasm at the upper pole where the polar bodies are being formed.

Plate 1  

Successive stages of the same egg drawn at intervals of about two minutes showing the approaching division of the egg.

Plate 2  

Egg passing into the 32-cell stage; postero-dorsal (vegetal pole) view.

Plate 3  

Plate 4  

Embryo of about the same stage as that shown in Figs. 52 and 53; seen from the left side showing neural groove, three rows of muscle cells which run transversely to the long axis, and a row of mesenchyme cells in the long axis.

Plate 5  

Nomenclature of Cells. A - Anterior half of egg; B - posterior half; AB- rights and left posterior quadrants. From the 8 cell stage onward the cells of the endodermal hemisphere are designated by capital letters, those of the ectodermal hemisphere by lower case.

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