Spiral Patterning and Cleavage in Snail Embryos

  • Maternal regulation of snail cleavage


Developing a Spiral: A Plant’s Perspective

  • Spiral patterns from stresses in the inflorescence meristem
  • Auxin: Spiral patterns by positive feedback

Gastrulation and Axis Determination in Snails

  • The D quadrant “organizer”
  • It depends how you slice it: The role of BMP/Dpp signaling in spiralian axis specification

The Nematode C. elegans

  • Fertilization and cleavage in C. elegans
  • Gastrulation in C. elegans
  • Anterior-posterior axis formation
  • Dorsal-ventral and right-left axis formation
  • Control of blastomere identity
    • Autonomous specification
    • Conditional specification


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