Chapter 7: Fertilization: Beginning a New Organism

Structure of the Gametes

  • Sperm anatomy
  • Egg anatomy

External Fertilization in Sea Urchins

  • Sperm attraction: Action at a distance
  • The acrosome reaction
  • Recognition of the egg’s extracellular coat
  • Fusion of the egg and sperm cell membranes
  • Prevention of polyspermy: One egg, one sperm
  • Activation of the egg and initiating development
  • Fusion of genetic material in sea urchins

Internal Fertilization in Mammals

  • Getting the gametes into the oviduct: Translocation
  • Capacitation
  • Hyperactivation, directed sperm migration, and the acrosome reaction
  • Recognition at the zona pellucida
  • Gamete fusion and sperm entry
  • Activation of the mammalian egg
  • Fusion of genetic material

Fertilization in Angiosperm Plants

  • Pollination and the progamic phase
  • Pollen germination and tube elongation
  • Pollen tube navigation
  • Double fertilization and gamete activation


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