The Stem Cell Concept

  • Division and self-renewal
  • Potency defines a stem cell

Stem Cell Regulation

Pluripotent Stem Cells

  • Meristem cells of the Arabidopsis thaliana: The embryo and beyond
    • Maintaining totipotency in the SAM
  • Cells of the inner cell mass in the mouse embryo
    • Mechanisms promoting pluripotency of ICM cells
    • How does E-cadherin influence blastocyst cell fates?

Adult Stem Cells in Animals

The Neural Stem Cell Niche of the Adult Brain

  • Neural stem cells
  • The stem cell niche of the V-SVZ
    • Maintaining the NSC pool with cell-to-cell interactions
    • VCAM1 and adherence to the rosette niche
    • Fractones
    • NOTCH, the timepiece to differentiation
    • Promoting differentiation in the V-SVZ niche

The Adult Intestinal Stem Cell Niche

  • Clonal renewal in the crypt

Stem Cells Fueling the Diverse Cell Lineages in Adult Blood

  • The hematopoietic stem cell niche

The Mesenchymal Stem Cell Support a Variety of Adult Tissues

  • Regulation of MSC development

The Human Model Systems to Study Development and Disease Embryonic stem cells
             ○ Embryonic stem cells and regenerative medicine

  • Pluripotent stem cells in the lab
  • Induced pluripotent stem cells
    • Applying IPSCs to human development and disease
  • Organoids: Human organogenesis in a culture dish


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