The Limb Bud

Hox Gene Specification of Limb Skeleton Identity

  • From proximal to distal: Hox genes in the limb
  • Hox genes and beyond

Determining What Kind of Limb to Form and Where to Put It

  • Specifying the limb fields
  • Induction of the early limb bud
    • 1. Mesoderm is made permissive by retinoic acid
    • 2. Specification by Tbx5 and Islet1
    • 3. Induction of epithelia-mesenchymal transitions by Tbx5
    • 4. Positive feedback and limb bud formation
  • The apical ectodermal ridge generates a second feedback loop

Outgrowth: The Proximal-Distal Axis

  • Determining proximal-distal polarity: the role of the AER
  • Gradient models of limb patterning

Turing’s model: A mechanism for proximal-distal limb development

    • The reaction-diffusion mechanism

Specifying the Anterior-Posterior Axis

  • Sonic hedgehog defines a zone of polarizing activity
  • Specifying digit identity by Sonic hedgehog
  • Sonic hedgehog and FGFs: Yet more feedback loops
  • Hox genes are part of the regulatory network specifying digit identity

Generating the Dorsal-Ventral Axis

Cell Death and the Formation of Digits and Joints

  • Sculpting the autopod
  • Forming the joints

Evolution by Altering Limb Signaling Centers

    • Autopod sculpture by our web-footed friends
    • Tinkering with the signaling centers: Making whales
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