Cell Types of the Somite

Establishing the Paraxial Mesoderm and Cell Fates along the Anterior-Posterior Axis

  • Specification of the paraxial mesoderm
  • A rostral-caudal antagonism specifies paraxial mesoderm from neural fates
  • Spatiotemporal collinearity of Hox genes determines identity along the trunk


  • Axis elongation: A caudal progenitor zone and tissue-to-tissue forces
    • Somite transition from a mesenchymal to an epithelial architecture
  • How a somite forms: The clock-wavefront model
    • Where a somite boundary forms: the determination front
    • When a somite boundary forms: the clock
    • Terminating the notch clock with epithelialization
    • Sounding the alarm at the right place at the right time: Connecting the clock and the determination front
  • Linking the clock-wavefront to Hox-mediated axial identity and the end of somitogenesis

Sclerotome Development

  • Vertebrae formation
  • Tendon formation: The syndetome

Dermomyotome Development

  • Determination of the central dermomyotome
  • The myotome and muscle development: Myogenic regulatory factors
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