Fertilization and Cleavage in Amphibians

  • Fertilization and cortical rotation
  • Cleavage
  • The mid-blastula transition: Preparing for gastrulation

Amphibian Gastrulation

  • Epiboly of the prospective ectoderm
  • Vegetal rotation and invagination of the bottle cells
  • Involution at the blastopore lip
  • Convergent extension of the dorsal mesoderm
  • Specification of the germ layers
  • The dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior axes

Axis Formation and the Amphibian Organizer: Molecular Mechanisms

  • Discovery of the organizer
  • How does the organizer form?
    • The dorsal signal, part 1: the nieuwkoop center
    • The dorsal signal, part 2: β-catenin
    • The dorsal signal, part 3: synergy with vegetal signals
    • Formation of the organizer: a summary

Functions of the organizer

  • Induction of neural ectoderm and dorsal mesoderm: BMP inhibitors
    • Ectodermal bias
  • Conservation of BMP signaling during dorsal-ventral patterning

Neural Induction along the Anterior-Posterior Axis

  • Anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axis formation: A Summary

The Amphibian Left-Right Axis

Early Zebrafish Development

  • Zebrafish Cleavages: Yolking Up the Process
    • Mid-blastula transition and the YSL
  • Gastrulation and Formation of the Germ Layers
    • Progression of epiboly
    • Internalization of the hypoblast
  • The embryonic shield and the neural keel

Axis Formation in Zebrafish

    • The embryonic shield establishes the dorsal-ventral axis
    • The fish blastopore lip
  • Left-right axis formation
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