Chapter 8, Level 1 Self Quiz: DIII

Quiz Content

not completed
. Determine whether the following proof is correct or incorrect.

not completed
. Determine whether the following proof is correct or incorrect.

not completed
. Determine whether the following proof is correct or incorrect.

not completed
. Determine whether the following proof is correct or incorrect.

not completed
. Determine whether the following proof is correct or incorrect.

not completed
. Determine whether the following proof is correct or incorrect.
 The ten steps are: 1. (M wedge N) horseshoe (P dot K). 2. (P wedge tilde Q) horseshoe [(R horseshoe L) dot S]. 3. M slash P dot (R horseshoe L). 4. M wedge N 3, Add. 5. P dot K 1, 4, M P. 6. P 5, Simp. 7. P wedge tilde Q 6, Add. 8. (R horseshoe L) dot S 2, 7, M P. 9. S 8, Simp. 10. P dot (R horseshoe L) 6, 9, Conj.

not completed
. Determine whether the following proof is correct or incorrect.
 The ten steps are: 1. P dot tilde Q. 2. (P wedge tilde R) horseshoe (tilde S dot M). 3. (tilde S dot P) horseshoe (P horseshoe N) slash N. 4. P 1, Simp. 5. P wedge tilde M 4, Add. 6. Tilde S dot M 2, 5, M P. 7. Tilde S 6, Simp. 8. Tilde S dot P 4, 7, Conj. 9. P horseshoe N 3, 8, M P. 10. N 4, 9, M P.

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