Chapter 4, Level 2 Self Quiz: BII

Quiz Content

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Which fallacy best describes the following passage?

Professor, I know I failed the exam. But I really need to pass this class, and if I don't pass, then I'll have to retake the course and won’t be able to graduate on time. Please allow me to retake the final exam.

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Which fallacy best describes the following passage?

You can be sure that the Senate's new tax plan is not going to benefit the country. After all, the majority of the senators who voted for the plan are multimillionaires, and they are the ones who will benefit most from the new plan.

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Which fallacy best describes the following passage?

You can't believe what the mayor says about increasing taxes because he was recently caught on tape using illegal drugs.

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Which fallacy best describes the following passage?

Are we going to let America down in its hour of need? When you get knocked down, do you grovel and beg for help? Or do you dust yourself off and pick yourself up, no matter how much it hurts? America isn't a nation of quitters, and we can't quit now. We’ve got to keep this country moving forward, and that's why you should vote for me.

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Which fallacy best describes the following passage?

The author goes on and on about how love is overrated, and how the statistics and biology show humans aren't normally monogamous. But of course she'd say that; she had those two bitter divorces.

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. Which fallacy best describes the following passage?
While you may believe that your answer is correct, I suggest that you think long and hard about who decides the final grade in this course. You will quickly realize that I am right and your answer is wrong.

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Which fallacy best describes the following passage?

Your essay arguing that Woolf's Orlando suffers from inconsistencies in plotting is nothing more than the product of male chauvinism. A man cannot appreciate the perspective of women in the England of Woolf's era.

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Which fallacy best describes the following passage?

How can you criticize our soldiers in Afghanistan? You don't know what it's like to be a soldier; you've never served.

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. Which fallacy best describes the following passage?
Their country has a long history of human rights abuses, so we don't have to accept their charges that we are violating the United Nations charters on human rights.

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. Which fallacy best describes the following passage?
I know that I lost my job because of my alcohol problem. And I can't find a job because of my felony conviction. So you should give me $2000.

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Which fallacy best describes the following passage?

Some of us still care for the poor and the downtrodden. Don't be like the 1% who ignore the problems in our country. Thus, you must choose now to be on the right side of history.

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Which fallacy best describes the following passage?

You condemn eating meat and poultry as wrong, when I've seen you eat chicken nuggets by the fistful! I can't take your position seriously when you don't follow it yourself.

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Which fallacy best describes the following passage?

Don't listen to his entrepreneurial advice. After all, his business went bankrupt, and he's been unemployed for over a year.

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Which fallacy best describes the following passage?

It's absurd that he expects me to heed his advice about diet and exercise, when he weighs at least 200 pounds and sits behind a desk every day.

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