Chapter 14, Level 2 Self-Quiz: CII

Quiz Content

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Determine which of Mill's methods matches the description that follows. If several of the instances of an event have only one item in common, then that item is causally connected to the event.

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Determine which of Mill's methods matches the description that follows. Suppose all of the instances of an event have everything in common except one item. Suppose also that another instance of the event also has everything in common with the other instances, except one item. We can conclude that the item that is not in common is causally connected to the event.

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Determine which of Mill's methods matches the description that follows. Suppose several instances of an event have one item in common. Suppose several other instances of the event have another item in common, but the item in common is not the same items as in the first supposition. We can conclude that the item in the second supposition is likely the cause of the event.

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Determine which of Mill's methods matches the description that follows. When each instance of an event has two factors that vary together, such that a variation in one factor accompanies variation in another factor, then the two parts are probably causally related.

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Determine which of Mill's methods matches the description that follows. When instances of an event already have known cause and effect relationships, which are subtracted from the reasoning about the event under investigation, whatever remains is likely the cause of the remaining effect.

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