Chapter 10 Multiple choice questions

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. Download the data file for the multiple-choice questions for Chapter 10, and open it in R. The file contains two vectors called HBwaveform and HBenvelope. They are from a 10-second audio recording of a fetal heartbeat, sampled at 44100Hz. Plot the waveform as a line plot and count the beats (note that there is some high frequency noise, but the beats are clear as bursts of activity). How many heartbeats are present?

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. Calculate the Fourier transform of Hbenvelope, and plot the amplitude spectrum from 0-5Hz. Note that the sample is 10 seconds long. Aside from the DC component (at 0Hz), which frequency produces the largest amplitude?

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. In the Fourier transform of the envelope, implement a crude low-pass filter by setting the amplitude of all frequencies above 5Hz to zero, then take the inverse transform. Do the same for the waveform. Plot both of the filtered signals. What do you observe?

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. At the sample rate of 44100Hz, what is the Nyquist limit (the highest frequency we can represent)?

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. If we had a longer sample with a duration of 20 seconds, that was sampled at 260Hz, what would the frequency resolution of the Fourier spectrum be?

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. The vector filter1 contains a filter in the temporal domain. Take the Fourier transform of the filter and plot the spectrum. The filter is:

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. The matrix spatfilt contains the Fourier spectrum of a spatial filter. Plot the filter using the rasterImage function:
plot(x=NULL,y=NULL,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE, lwd=2) rasterImage(spatfilt,0,0,1,1)
What can you deduce about its characteristics?

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. The matrix ampspec contains the Fourier amplitude spectrum of an image. Based on the knowledge that the lowest spatial frequencies have the highest amplitudes in most images, where are these represented in this spectrum?

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. The matrix filteredim contains an image that has been filtered. Display it using the rasterImage function. What sort of filter has been used?

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. The matrix imspec contains the Fourier spectrum of a greyscale image. Note that the quadrants have not been shifted, so the lowest frequencies appear in the corners. Take the inverse transform of the matrix and display it as an image (you will need to scale the luminances between 0 and 1). What does it show?

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