Research Insight 6.2

Throughout the textbook reference is made to seminal academic papers (as part of the Research Insights features) that can assist you in the further development of your understanding of a particular concept or theory that has been introduced. Organized by chapter, this resource provides links to these seminal papers.

Please note that your institution will require a subscription to the relevant journal for you to access the full text of the articles. If you are unsure how to do this, please contact your university librarian. Often professional bodies, such as the Chartered Institute of Marketing, also offer access to journals via their library services. Alternatively, you can purchase the articles directly from the source website.


Source: Fournier, S. (1998), ‘Consumers and their brands: developing relationship theory in consumer research’, Journal of Consumer Research, 24(4), 343–73.

Abstract: Although the relationship metaphor dominates contemporary marketing thought and practice, surprisingly little empirical work has been conducted on relational phenomena in the consumer products domain, particularly at the level of the brand. In this article, the author: (1) argues for the validity of the relationship proposition in the consumer‐brand context, including a debate as to the legitimacy of the brand as an active relationship partner and empirical support for the phenomenological significance of consumer‐brand bonds; (2) provides a framework for characterizing and better understanding the types of relationships consumers form with brands; and (3) inducts from the data the concept of brand relationship quality, a diagnostic tool for conceptualizing and evaluating relationship strength. Three in‐depth case studies inform this agenda, their interpretation guided by an integrative review of the literature on person‐to‐person relationships. Insights offered through application of inducted concepts to two relevant research domains—brand loyalty and brand personality—are advanced in closing. The exercise is intended to urge fellow researchers to refine, test, and augment the working hypotheses suggested herein and to progress toward these goals with confidence in the validity of the relationship premise at the level of consumers' lived experiences with their brands.

Insight: This article has already been characterized as a modern classic by Bengtsson (2003), such is its significance and contribution to our understanding about marketing and consumer research. This paper discusses the need to incorporate relationship marketing theory with branding and explores the types of relationships people form with brands.


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