Industrialization and Its Discontents 1750–1850

Quiz Content

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. The Industrial Revolution began first in _______.

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. Which of the following factors helped Britain get a head start on industrialization?

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. The economic system that aided the growth of industrial economies was _______.

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. Which of the following are early inventions that helped the industrial revolution develop?

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. The application of _______ to textile development revolutionized the industry.

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. A key piece of infrastructure that helped develop British industrial capacity early on was _______.

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. By the early 19th century Britain dominated international markets thanks to _______.

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. The 19th century German customs union, the Zollverein, was led by _______.

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. Which of the following states failed to industrialize after 1815?

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. Which of the following factors in early industrialization did the Ottomans lack?

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. Ottoman trade agreements with Europe were known as _______.

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. Which large, multinational empire was known as the 'sick man of Europe' in the 19th century?

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. Women and children went to work in factories primarily because _______.

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. French livret de circulation were intended to _______.

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. A riot by linen weavers in Silesia began over _______.

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. On average, women working in factories made _______ of a man's wages.

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. Potential occupations for urban women in the first half of the 19th century included _______.

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. Did private charities try to play a role in mitigating the suffering of the industrial working class?

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. Romanticism was _______ movement.

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. Is Beethoven a Romantic or an Enlightenment composer?

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. Which of the following are words you could use to describe Romanticism?

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. Were the Romantics for or against industrialization?

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Based on Map 18.1, what is the main part of Great Britain that did not industrialize?

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This 1801 painting depicts an industrialized English town. How is the artist portraying industrialization in England?

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Based on this image, what is one of the reasons that women and children were valued industrial workers?

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