The Single Market

Quiz Content

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True or false: Neo-functionalism is usually considered to provide the best explanation for the initial decision to establish a common market.

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Why did the Council of Ministers agree to an accelerated timetable for completion of the common market in 1960?

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Which of the following is an example of a non-tariff barrier to trade?

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What measure in the Single European Act was crucial for the success of the completion of the single market?

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What were the 'freedoms' identified by the White Paper on the completion of the internal market?

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Which of the following factors do both intergovernmentalists and supranationalists agree was an important motivating force behind the 1992 programme?

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Research by Armstrong and Bulmer (1998) reveals that in relation to contested interpretations of single market rules, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) generally favoured which of the following?

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The 'country-of-origin principle' applies to which of the following?

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True or false: The Commission tended to adopt targets and voluntary codes to encourage implementation and enforcement.

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Which policy areas were excluded from the White Paper on the internal market?

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