From Amsterdam to Lisbon (2000-2009)

Quiz Content

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True or false: The Treaty of Nice extended qualified majority voting.

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What was the Lisbon Strategy?

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What were the main findings of the 2004 Kok report on progress toward the Union's Lisbon agenda goals?

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What impact did the 2003 war in Iraq have on European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP)?

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After meeting in Laeken in December 2001, how did member states propose to deal with reform of the EU?

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True or false: After a long and difficult process of negotiation, the Constitutional Treaty failed because of the refusal of some member states to sign it.

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What circumstances led to increased optimism regarding Turkey's EU membership application?

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What characterized the 2004 European Parliamentary elections?

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Which of the following member states held two referendums on the Lisbon Treaty?

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The failure to ratify the Constitutional Treaty and the difficulties in ratifying the Lisbon Treaty suggest that the EU is subject to which of the following?

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