Chapter 11 Multiple Choice Questions

Quiz Content

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1) Limiting global warming to 1.5 °C requires drastic action in the coming decades, in both ______ to _______ sources of energy and in reducing ______ _______.

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2) Industry is easier to decarbonize than buildings.

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3) Energy usage in buildings, industry, and transport accounts for what percentage of global final energy demand?

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4) Limiting global warming to 1.5 °C will require reducing emissions by 2050 by at least close to…

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5) The percentages of the final energy demand from buildings, industry, and transport, respectively, are approximately…

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6) The percentage of the total global electricity usage that lighting accounts for is…

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7) A passive design is one that uses the local ______conditions and appropriate materials to help maintain comfortable temperatures.

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8) Buildings with a large thermal mass…

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9) On one day during the period from 00:00 to 11:59 the average ambient temperature was 12.3 °C, and from 12:00 to 23:59 it was 13.1 °C; the base temperature was 15.5 °C. What was the number of degree-days for that day?

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10) Cutting emissions from existing buildings can be achieved, in particular, by ______ __ _______ sources of electricity and heating, and improving their _______.

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11) Energy intensity and materials intensity are each improved by 10% throughout industry. What percentage improvement in carbon intensity is required to reduce emissions by 50%?

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12) _____ _____ is when the production of a product is transferred to another country, where production costs are less and limits on carbon emissions are less stringent.

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13) The efficiency with which materials are used can be improved through 'reduce, ___, and ___'.

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14) Five options for fuel switching in industry are ____ ____ ____ ____, and ____.

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15) Emissions from the iron and steel industry and from cement production account for over what percentage of the direct emissions from industry?

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16) _______ generated by off-shore wind power could be used for decarbonizing ____ ____ and _____ _____ _____.

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17) Match the following reactions to their names.


CH4 + H2O → 3H2 + CO

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CO + H2O → CO2 + H2

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CO2 +4H2 → CH4 + 2H2O

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N2 +3H2 2NH3

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18) Alternatives to making steel with coke are to use _____, _____, or _____.

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19) Which of the following statements about carbon capture and storage in industry are true?
Please select all that apply.

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20) Light goods vehicles (LDVs) account for what percentage the global energy use in transport?

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21) Which of the following statements about hydrogen fuel cells are true?
Please select all that apply.

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22) A ____ ____ is an electrochemical device that can be used to generate electricity.

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23) Match the following means of lowering the carbon intensity to the modes of transport that would be most effective.



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24) Avoid journeys by using _____ ______ and _______ ________.

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