New Religions and Movements

Quiz Content

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. In the Wicca tradition, who taught that the Goddess is the pulsating rhythm of life?

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. Which religious movement was founded by Joseph Smith, Jr.?

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. Which new religious movement developed out of the teachings of Nichiren?

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. Which religion teaches practitioners to develop a "law wheel" in the abdomen to transform energy from the universe?

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The name of Baha'i leader, Baha'u'llah, can be translated as which of the following?

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. Adherent of which religion adore Yang Xiangbin as the new Christ?

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. Devotees of which new religious movement carry a string of 108 beads?

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. Who authored the book known in English as The Word Appears in the Flesh?

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. The "Act of Apostasy" is part of the initiation rite of which new religious movement?

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. Malcolm X began to teach Islam was a religion for all races after which of the following?

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. Which American actor created a television show entitled Scientology and the Aftermath?

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. The Hare Krishna movement grew out of which tradition?

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In Scientology, the term thetan is used in reference to which of the following?

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. "New Age" is often considered shorthand for a variety of which of the following?

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. Adherents of Soka Gakkai are particularly devoted to which sacred text?

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. Falun Dafa is associated with which of the following symbols?

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. Which religious leader reported being transported to the planet of Elohim?

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. What was the new dimension within Philip S. Berg's Kabbalah Center?

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. When is the Wiccan sabbat of Candlemas celebrated?

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. Which word may be the best candidate to sum up the New Age movements?

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