Chapter 5 Discussion Questions

Burning Yesterday for Tomorrow: Images from the in Between

  1. What are the roles of individual and group narratives in exploring sociopolitical shifts on a global scale? Should comparisons be made between the contemporary experiences of minoritized individuals and populations living in different world regions? What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of cross-cultural comparisons in social science research?
  1. What are the challenges of using memories, stories, and oral histories as “data”? How did the author’s role as ethnographer, which enabled her to move with her subjects as they interacted with different people and in different spaces, impact the “data” that she collected through her subjects’ narratives and images?
  1. What can ethnographers gain by incorporating visual and material culture into traditional forms of anthropological research? Why is digital culture an increasingly important part of visual culture? In what ways can researchers creatively incorporate digital culture into their future research projects?
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