Managing Conflict

Please note that this exercise is for self-study, and your instructor will not be able to see your responses.

Quiz Content

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. The communication climate refers to ____________.

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. Messages that say "you exist," "you matter," and "you are important" are called ____________.

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. After a communication climate is formed, it can take on a life of its own and grow in a reciprocating communication pattern in which each person's messages reinforce the others'. This is called a(n) ____________.

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. Statements that ridicule or belittle another person are what kind of disconfirming message?

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. The expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from the other parties in achieving their goals is known as ____________.

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. Both avoidance and accommodation are forms of which type of approach to conflict?

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. A complete assertive message has five parts beginning with a ____________.

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. In which type of culture would assertiveness most likely be perceived as rude?

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. ____________ is the distinguishing characteristics in win-lose problem-solving.

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. The first step in win-win problem-solving is ____________.

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