
Please note that this exercise is for self-study, and your instructor will not be able to see your responses.

Quiz Content

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. A collection of symbols governed by rules and used to convey messages between people is known as ____________.

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. Rules that govern the arrangement of words are ____________.

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. __________ rules make it possible for us to know that "bikes" are for riding and "books" are for reading.

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. The process of adapting speech in a variety of ways to demonstrate affiliation with other communicators is known as ____________.

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. Physicians or attorneys who want to establish credibility with their clients might use language to create a sense of distance, a linguistic strategy known as ____________.

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. Equivocal language refers to ____________.

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. Conclusions that arise from interpretation of evidence are known as ____________.

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. A feminine style of communication, typically associated with women, is often more ____________.

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. Which of the following assertions regarding gendered communication is true?

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. If a woman says, "I think maybe we should leave now," this falls into which myth of gender communication?

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