Communicating for Career Success

Please note that this exercise is for self-study, and your instructor will not be able to see your responses.

Quiz Content

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. If you show up late, or your work appearance is sloppy, you may hinder this element of your future success:

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. Creating a brief statement about yourself that reflects your career goals and why you are (or will be) an appealing candidate for employers is a component of which strategy for monitoring online identity?

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. When it comes to maintaining an online presence, one of the most common dealbreakers for hiring a candidate is:

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. When considering a candidate for a job, examples of online red flags for employers would include:

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. The best way to find out what other people will see about you online is to:

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. To distinguish yourself from being mistaken for someone else in an online search, use the following strategy:

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. Instead of cultivating an impressive and honest identity, others take a different route with their online presence, which may cause an employer reluctance for consideration:

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. The process of meeting people and maintain relationships that result in information and advice that enhance one's career is known as:

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. Networking prospects can include:

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. Why can keeping up with local news help you find a mentor?

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