Likert CT (Accessibility)

Likert CT for accessibility

Self-Assessment: Reactions to Defensive and Supportive Communication Part 2

Project yourself into each situation below and imagine how you would react. Choose a number for each situation using a 5-point scale (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) from strongly dislike (5) to strongly like (1) that reflects how much you would like or dislike the statements presented.

You’re working with your team on a group project. One member says to the group, “I’m feeling very concerned that we will not finish our project in time. We’re about halfway and we only have two days before our presentation. What do the rest of you think?”
At work, you tripped and badly bruised your shoulder. Your boss says to you, “I heard that you injured yourself yesterday. Do you need time off? That must really hurt. Can I do anything to make you more comfortable while you work in your office?”
During a group problem-solving session, one member says to the group, “I have a suggestion that might solve our problem. Perhaps this will move us forward.”
During a dorm council meeting, one member says to the council, “I know we all have strong feelings on this issue, but let’s put our heads together and see if we can find a solution everyone can support. Does anyone have ideas they wish to share with the group?”
Your class project group approaches your teacher and proposes an idea that your tea-cher initially dislikes. She says to your group, “I can see that you really like this idea, but it doesn’t satisfy the requirements of the project. I suggest that you keep brainstorming.”
You’ve been asked to work on a committee to solve the parking problem on campus. The chair addresses the committee: “It is my hope that this committee can come to a consensus on solutions to this parking problem. I’ll conduct our meetings, but I only have one vote, the same as everyone else.”
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