Eastern Thought

Quiz Content

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. __________ can claim to be the world's oldest living religion.

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. The set of sacred compositions known as the Vedas is considered the reference point in

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. The Hindu Upanishads are __________.

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. The Hindu brahmanas are __________.

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. In Hinduism, __________ is one's cycle of repeated deaths and rebirths.

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. In Hinduism, __________ is one's soul or self.

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. In Hinduism, __________ is the impersonal, all-pervading spirit that is the universe yet
transcends all space and time.

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. The Buddha's system of teaching about the nature of reality and how to live correctly is
known as the __________.

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. Buddhism conceives of the self in a manner similar to the Western philosopher

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. According to Buddhist teaching, the self is __________.

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. In Buddhism, right __________ means, among other things, refraining from lying and slander.

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. In Daoism, the Dao refers to __________.

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. __________ is the name of the essential Confucian virtues, including benevolence,
sympathy, kindness, generosity, respect for others, and human-heartedness.

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. The __________ is the Confucian text containing the conversations of Confucius and his followers.

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. In Confucianism, the ideal world is generated through the practice of __________ and _________.

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. The Dao bears some similarities to what Heraclitus called the logos.

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. Daoism advocates the view that the best life is lived in harmony with nature.

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. The Buddha denied the existence of gods and goddesses.

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. The Buddha renounced religious devotion to any deity.

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. The Buddha taught that women should be barred from spiritual life.

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. Bhagavad-Gita translates to Song of the Wind.

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. Karma is the universal principle that governs the characteristics and quality of each rebirth or future life.

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. Confucianism and Daoism are essentially the same philosophy.

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. Hinduism has no common creed, founder, or deity.

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. Dharma is the Buddhist concept of moral duty.

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