
In this experiment, you will be presented with two stimuli, one will be a letter and one will be a tone. You must respond to each stimulus as quickly and accurately as possible as soon as it is presented to you.

  1. At the beginning of each trial, you will see a fixation ‘+’ which you should focus on. When you are ready to begin a trial, press the space bar.
  2. You will be presented with two stimuli: one letter and one tone. If the letter is an ‘O’, press the ‘S’ key. If the letter is an ‘X’, press the ‘D’ key. If the tone is high-pitched press the ‘K’ key if the tone is low-pitched press the ‘L’ key. Remember that accuracy is as important as speed! Before going any further click on the buttons below to hear the two tones.
  3. After you have responded to both stimuli, you will begin your next trial.

You will complete 10 practice trials and 60 experimental trials. At the end, you will be shown your results for trials where you responded correctly. Before you begin, click on the buttons below to hear the two tones. When you have heard the tones, click the ">" button to begin.