
A type of line used purely for embellishment.

The fundamental components that fill the space of any artwork or design, in particular line, shape, texture, value, space, and color.

The defining or outermost edge of a form rendered on a two-dimensional surface.

A drawing technique akin to scribbling in which loosely drawn, sometimes choppy, lines with variable spacing are used to generate areas of value.

A drawing technique in which parallel lines are used to generate areas of value.

An infinite series of points, or the shortest distance between two points.

A lyrical, flowing, decorative line that expresses a sense of the fluid, graceful, rhythmic motion of the artist's hand.

The physical aspects of a line that can be measured, including its length, height, and width.

An aspect of a line derived from the media the line is created with, such that the material bestows a given line with a unique feel or emotional content.