Ratio analysis 1: profitability, ef ficiency, and performance

Chapter specific web links

Give me an example 8.1and 8.3

To keep up to date with current company and market news and to try to spot other analysis terminology, follow these links:



Give me an example 8.2, Ted Baker’s 2019 annual report and accounts are available at http://www.tedbakerplc.com/~/media/Files/T/Ted-Baker/results-and-reports/report/2019/2018-19-annual-report.pdf

Give me an example 8.4

To access up to the minute share prices and investor ratios for individual companies, go to https://www.hl.co.uk/ Click on the share tab and type in the name of the company whose information you wish to access.

Give me an example 8.5

To read the full articles from the Financial Times for the above ‘Give me an Example’ boxes you will need a subscription. Check to see if your university or school subscribes.

Further reading

Paul M Collier, Accounting for Managers: Interpreting Accounting Information for Decision Making, 5th Edition, Wiley, Chapter 7.

Michael Jones, Accounting, 3rd Edition, Wiley, Chapter 9.

Jennifer Maynard, Financial Accounting, Reporting and Analysis, 2nd Edition, Oxford, Chapter 5.