Relevant costs marginal costing, and short-term decision making

Chapter specific web links

Give me an example 12.1

The full Management Accounting Practices of UK Small-Medium-Sized Enterprises report can be found here:

Give me an example 12.2

The full Annual Review of Football Finance 2019 report can be found here:

Give me an example 12.3

Read an analysis of outsourcing with respect to different well-known companies here:

Give me an example 12.4

To read the full CIMA report on Management Accounting Tools for Today and Tomorrow, click here:

Further reading

Colin Drury, Management and Cost Accounting, 10th Edition, Cengage Learning, Chapters 8 to 10.

Will Seal, Management Accounting for Business Decisions, McGraw Hill, Chapters 3 and 4.

Pauline Weetman, Financial and Management Accounting: An Introduction, 8th Edition, Pearson, Chapter 20.